Source code for huffman

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Huffman coding algorithm classes, contains node and tree separate classes."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from typing import Dict

[docs]class HuffmanNode: """A class to represent heap nodes of a huffman coding tree. Attributes ---------- char: str The character to be saved as a node value. freq: int The frequency of the char. right_child: HuffmanNode The right child of the heap node. left_child: HuffmanNode The left child of the heap node. dir: str The path of the current node in the Huffman tree, usually a string of 0s and 1s. """ def __init__(self: object, char: str, freq: int, left: object=None, right: object=None) -> None: """Class constructor Parameters ---------- char : str A character (Huffman coding characters). freq : int The frequency of the character. left : object, optional The left child of the heap node. The default is None. right : object, optional The right child of the heap node. The default is None. Returns ------- None A class instance. """ self.char = char self.freq = freq self.__left_child = left self.__right_child = right self.dir = '' @property def right_child(self: object) -> object: """The getter of the right child. Returns ------- object """ return self.__right_child @right_child.setter def right_child(self: object, right_child: object) -> None: """The setter of the right child. Parameters ---------- right_child : object The new child. Returns ------- None """ self.__right_child = right_child @property def left_child(self: object) -> object: """The getter of the left child. Returns ------- object """ return self.__left_child @left_child.setter def left_child(self: object, left_child: object) -> None: """The setter of the left child. Parameters ---------- right_child : object The new child. Returns ------- None """ self.__left_child = left_child def __str__(self: object) -> str: """Returns a string representation using print(). Returns ------- str A string to be displayed with print(). """ return "Hello! I'm a Huffman coding HeapNode class instance." def __repr__(self: object) -> str: """A coder friendly representation of the HuffmanNode object. Returns ------- str A string. """ return "Node(%s, freq=%s, right=%s, left=%s)"%(self.char, self.freq, self.right_child, self.left_child)
[docs]class HuffmanTree: """A class to represent a huffman tree. Attributes ---------- sequence: str The sequence to be encoded, i.e; the Burros-Wheeler transform of the sequence. frequency: Dict[str, int] A dictionary to store frequency values for each character of the sequence, the character as a key and its frequency as a value. root: HuffmanNode The root node of the Huffman tree. codes: Dict[str, str] The Huffman codes for a given sequence, The character as a key and its tree path as a value(a string). pad: int The padding of the sequence, i.e; the number of zeroes that was added to the end of sequence until it was divisible by 8 (coding in 8 bits). """ def __init__(self: object, sequence: str) -> None: """The class constructor. Parameters ---------- sequence : str The sequence to be coded. Returns ------- None A class instance. """ self.sequence = sequence self.frequency = HuffmanTree.freq_dict(self.sequence) self.root = self.create_tree() = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def freq_dict(sequence: str) -> Dict[str, int]: """This method returns the frequence dictionary of a given sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence : str The sequence of interest. Returns ------- Dict[str, int] A dictionary of character frequencies. """ f_dict = {} for char in sequence: if char in f_dict.keys(): f_dict[char] += 1 else: f_dict[char] = 1 return f_dict
[docs] def create_tree(self: object) -> HuffmanNode: """The main algorithm for creating The Huffman tree. Returns ------- HuffmanNode The root node of the tree. """ leafs = [] # creating a list for leafs of the tree for char, freq in self.frequency.items(): leafs.append(HuffmanNode(char, freq)) while len(leafs) > 1: # while there is more than one element, do the algoritm leafs = sorted(leafs, key=lambda x: x.freq) # sort the leafs by frequency left = leafs.pop(0) # taking the first least frequency node as the left node right = leafs.pop(0) # taking the second least frequency node as the right node new_char = left.char + right.char # the new character new_freq = left.freq + right.freq # the new frequency is the sum left.dir = "0" # assign 0 as a direction for the left node right.dir = "1" # assign 1 as a direction for the right node new_node = HuffmanNode(new_char, new_freq, left, right) # create a new node and then append it leafs.append(new_node) return leafs[0]
[docs] def get_codings(self: object, node: HuffmanNode, val: str='') -> None: """A depth-first search recursive algorithm to find the paths of each character in the tree. Parameters ---------- node : HuffmanNode The starting node, the root of the tree. val : str, optional The path of the current recursion in a tree. The default is ''. Returns ------- None Fills the codes dictionary property of the Huffman Tree. """ curr_path = val + node.dir # the current path in the recursion if node.left_child: self.get_codings(node.left_child, curr_path) if node.right_child: self.get_codings(node.right_child, curr_path) if not node.left_child and not node.right_child:[node.char] = curr_path
[docs] def seq_to_binstr(self: object) -> str: """This method transforms the current sequence of the Huffman tree to a binary sequence using the codes (paths of every character), it also adds a padding to the end of the binary sequence (a variable number of zeroes, when sequence is divisible by 8 then add 8 zeroes by default). The binary sequence will be coded in 8-bits later. It saves the padding in the codes property. Returns ------- str The binary sequence. """ bin_str = "" for char in self.sequence: bin_str +=[char] pad = 8 - len(bin_str) % 8 if pad != 0: for _ in range(0, pad, 1): bin_str += '0'['pad'] = str(pad) #Save the padding value to codes return bin_str
[docs] @staticmethod def binstr_to_unicode(bin_str: str) -> str: """This method codes a binary sequence in 8-bits in UTF-8. Parameters ---------- bin_str : str The binary sequence to be coded. Returns ------- str The unicode string that corrsponds to the binary sequence. """ unicode = "" for bit in range(0, len(bin_str), 8): # cut the sequence to 8-bits eight_bits = bin_str[bit:bit+8] code = int(eight_bits, 2) unicode += chr(code) return unicode
[docs] @staticmethod def unicode_to_binstr(unicode: str) -> str: """Transforms a unicode sequence to a binary sequence. Parameters ---------- unicode : str The unicode sequence to be transformed. Returns ------- str The corrsponding binary string. """ bin_str = "" for uni in unicode: code = ord(uni) bin_str += '{:08b}'.format(code) return bin_str
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_padding(bin_str: str, pad: int) -> str: """This function removes the padding from a given binary sequence, the padding is normally a variable number of zeroes added when coding in 8-bits. Parameters ---------- bin_str : str The binary string to be stripped from a sequence of zeroes. pad : int The padding, the number of zeroes at the end of the binary sequence. Returns ------- str The no-padded binary string. """ return bin_str[:-pad] # take all the sequence without the padding
[docs] @staticmethod def binstr_to_seq(bin_str: str, codes: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Transforms a binary string to a sequence given a codes dictionary of paths. Parameters ---------- bin_str : str The binary string to be transformed. codes : Dict[str, str] A dictionary of characters alongside their paths. Returns ------- str The original sequence. """ original_seq = "" reading_stream = "" for num in bin_str: reading_stream += num for char, path in codes.items(): if path == reading_stream: original_seq += char reading_stream = "" break return original_seq
[docs] def codes_to_header(self: object) -> str: """This method transforms the codes of a given Huffman tree object into a header to be saved in the compressed file (useful for when decompressing later). Returns ------- str The header of the compressed file. """ header = "" for char, path in header += char + "," + path + ";" return header + "\n"
[docs] @staticmethod def header_to_codes(header: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """This method takes the header of a compressed file and transforms it into a codes dictionary that's useful when decompressing a sequence. Parameters ---------- header : str The header of the compressed file. Returns ------- Dict[str, str] A codes dictionary which maps from characters to thier given paths. """ reconstructed_codes = {} for code in header.split(";")[:-1]: char, path = code.split(",") reconstructed_codes[char] = path return reconstructed_codes