#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Decoder classes, Controller architecture in a MVC layout."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from dnazip.sequence import Sequence
from dnazip.burros_wheeler import BurrosWheeler
from dnazip.huffman import HuffmanTree
[docs]class HuffDecoder:
"""A decoder class for Huffman decompression, it is used as a controller
in a MVC architecture.
path: str
The path of the file to be decompressed with Huffman decompression.
seq: Sequence
The sequence that was extracted from the file; a Sequence object.
dehuffman_output: str
The output file path for Huffman decompression.
binary: str
The binary sequence that was translated from unicode using Huffman
header: str
The header of the compressed file; contains Huffman codes and paths
as well as padding that were generated when compressing the sequence.
unicode: str
The compressed format of the sequence.
decompressed: str
The decompressed sequence; normally the Burros-Wheeler transform of an
original sequence.
def __init__(self: object, path: str) -> None:
"""Class constructor.
path : str
The path of the file to be read.
A class instance.
self.path = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
self.seq = Sequence(path)
self.dehuffman_output = self.path + '_dehuff.txt'
self.binary = None
self.header = None
self.unicode = None
self.decompressed = None
[docs] def decode(self: object) -> None:
"""The main decoding method of the controller.
Fills all the properties of an object and writes out the
decompressed sequence to a file.
seq = self.seq.read_bytes()
self.header = seq[:seq.index('\n')]
self.unicode = seq[seq.index('\n')+1:]
re_codes = HuffmanTree.header_to_codes(self.header)
binary = HuffmanTree.unicode_to_binstr(self.unicode)
padding = int(re_codes['pad'])
self.binary = HuffmanTree.remove_padding(binary, padding)
self.decompressed = HuffmanTree.binstr_to_seq(self.binary, re_codes)
[docs]class BWDecoder:
"""A decoder class for inversing the Burros-Wheeler transform, it is used
as a controller in a MVC architecture.
path: str
The path of the file to be transformed with inverse of Burros-Wheeler.
seq: Sequence
The sequence that was extracted from the file; a Sequence object.
debwt_output: str
The output file path for the inverse of BWT.
bwm: List[str]
The reconstructed Burros-Wheeler Matrix.
original: str
The original sequence from the inverse BWT.
def __init__(self: object, path: str) -> None:
"""Class constructor.
path : str
The path of the file to be read.
A class instance.
self.path = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
self.seq = Sequence(path)
self.debwt_output = self.path + '_debwt.txt'
self.bwm = None
self.original = None
[docs] def decode(self: object) -> None:
"""The main decoding method of the controller.
Fills all the properties of an object and writes out the original
sequence to a file.
self.bwm = list(BurrosWheeler.reconstruct_bwm(self.seq.read()))
self.original = BurrosWheeler.decode_bwt(self.bwm[-1])
[docs]class FullDecoder:
"""A decoder class for both Huffman decompression and the inverse of the
Burros-Wheeler transform, controller architecture.
path: str
The path of the file to be compressed with BWT + Huffman compression.
huff_decoder: HuffDecoder
A HuffDecoder object to do the Huffman decompression on a compressed
bw_decoder: BWDecoder
A BWDecoder object to do the inverse of Burros-Wheeler transform on
the output of Huffman decompression.
def __init__(self: object, path: str) -> None:
"""Class constructor.
path : str
The path of the file to be read.
A class instance.
self.path = path
self.huff_decoder = None
self.bw_decoder = None
[docs] def full_unzip(self: object) -> None:
"""The main decoding method of the controller, it first decodes the
sequence with Huffman decompression, then passes the uncompressed
sequence to do the Inverse of Burros-Wheeler transform and obtain
the original sequence.
Fills all the properties of an object and writes out the
original sequence to a file.
self.huff_decoder = HuffDecoder(self.path)
self.bw_decoder = BWDecoder(self.huff_decoder.dehuffman_output)