The Active Membrane
Active membrane currents are the basis of neuronal membrane excitability, they allow neurons to receive, integrate and transmit signals. One landmark in Neuroscience is considered the Hudgkin-Huxley Model (1952) or the conductance based model, it is a set of four beautiful nonlinear differential equations that describe how excitable cells generate action potentials.
Let's import the essential libraries for our implementation.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from celluloid import Camera # A module that will allow us to do plotting animations
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp # This function will help with solving differential equations
$$ \large{\color{red} {\dot n = \phi [ \alpha_n(V)(1-n) - \beta_n(V)n] = (n_\infty(V) - n)/\tau_n(V)}} $$
$$ \large{\color{red} {\dot m = \phi [ \alpha_m(V)(1-m) - \beta_m(V)m] = (m_\infty(V) - m)/\tau_m(V)}} $$
$$ \large{\color{red} {\dot h = \phi [ \alpha_h(V)(1-h) - \beta_h(V)h] = (h_\infty(V) - h)/\tau_h(V)}} $$
Whereas $\phi$ is the temperature factor and : $$ \alpha_n(V) = 0.01(10-V)/ exp(10-V)/10) - 1) , $$
$$ \beta_n(V) = 0.125exp(-V/80) , $$
$$ \alpha_m(V) = 0.1(25-V)/(exp((25-V)/10) - 1) , $$
$$ \beta_m(V) = 4exp(-V/18) , $$
$$ \alpha_h(V) = 0.07exp(-V/20) , $$
$$ \beta_h(V) = 1/(exp((30-V)/10) + 1) . $$
class Neuron():
"""Hudgkin & Huxley Model of the excitable cell"""
def __init__(self, voltage, sodium, potassium, leak):
"""This instantiates a Neuron object with the following properties
sodium, potassium and leak should be dictionaries with their conductance
and equilibrium potential as elements.
self.voltage = voltage
self.Gna, self.Ena = sodium['G'], sodium['Eq']
self.Gk, self.Ek = potassium['G'], potassium['Eq']
self.Gl, self.El = leak['G'], leak['Eq']
def __str__(self):
"""This lets the Neuron Object be used by the print() function"""
return "Hello ! I'm Hudgkin & Huxley Model"
def an(self, volt):
"""alpha_n in function of voltage, potassium channel constant"""
return 0.01 * (10 - volt) / (np.exp((10. - volt) / 10.) - 1.)
def bn(self, volt):
"""beta_n in function of voltage, potassium channel constant"""
return 0.125 * np.exp(-volt / 80.)
def am(self, volt):
"""alpha_m in function of voltage, sodium channel constant"""
return 0.1 * (25. - volt) / (np.exp((25. - volt) / 10.) - 1.)
def bm(self, volt):
"""beta_m in function of voltage, sodium channel constant"""
return 4. * np.exp(-volt / 18.)
def ah(self, volt):
"""alpha_h in function of voltage, sodium channel constant"""
return 0.07 * np.exp(-volt / 20.)
def bh(self, volt):
"""beta_h in function of voltage, sodium channel constant"""
return 1. / (np.exp((30. - volt) / 10.) + 1.)
def tau(self, alpha, beta):
"""this method calculates the time constant tau
for a certain ion channel.
return 1. / (alpha + beta)
def finfty(self, alpha, beta):
"""this method calculates the stationary constant
f_infty for a certain ion channel.
return alpha / (alpha + beta)
def INa(self):
"""this calculates the sodium transient current using previous class methods."""
m = self.finfty(,
h = self.finfty(self.ah(self.voltage),
return self.Gna * m**3. * h * (
self.voltage - self.Ena
) # Ohm's law for ion channels I = G*(V - Eeq)
def IK(self):
"""this calculates the potassium persistant current using previous class methods."""
n = self.finfty(,
return self.Gk * n**4. * (
self.voltage - self.Ek
) # Ohm's law for ion channels I = G*(V - Eeq)
def IL(self):
"""this calculates the leak channel current."""
return self.Gl * (self.voltage - self.El)
def time_constants(self):
"""This method creates an animation for the time constants
of our model for a given array of voltages.
tn = self.tau(,
tm = self.tau(,
th = self.tau(self.ah(self.voltage),
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)
cam1 = Camera(fig)
for s in range(len(
self.voltage)): # For loop to create the plotting animation
t1, t2, t3 = plt.plot(self.voltage[:s],
plt.legend([t1, t2, t3], [r'$\tau_m$', r'$\tau_h$', r'$\tau_n$'])
plt.suptitle("Time constants for ion channel kinetics")
plt.xlabel("Voltage in mV")
cam1.animate(blit=False, interval=50, repeat=True).save('tau.mp4')
def stationary_constants(self):
"""This method creates an animation for the stationary constants
of our model for a given array of voltages.
fn = self.finfty(,
fm = self.finfty(,
fh = self.finfty(self.ah(self.voltage),
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)
cam2 = Camera(fig)
for s in range(len(self.voltage)):
f1, f2, f3 = plt.plot(self.voltage[:s], fm[:s], 'r',
self.voltage[:s], fh[:s], 'b',
self.voltage[:s], fn[:s], 'y')
plt.legend([f1, f2, f3],
[r'$m\infty$', r'$h\infty$', r'$n\infty$'])
plt.suptitle("Stationary constants for ion channel kinetics")
plt.xlabel("Voltage in mV")
cam2.animate(blit=False, interval=50, repeat=True).save('f_infty.mp4')
def show_currents(self):
"""This method creates an animation for the 3 currents in our model
calculated based on a given array of voltages.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)
cam3 = Camera(fig)
for s in range(len(self.voltage)):
i1, i2, i3 = plt.plot(self.voltage[:s],
self.IK()[:s], 'r', self.voltage[:s],
self.INa()[:s], 'g', self.voltage[:s],
self.IL()[:s], 'b')
plt.legend([i1, i2, i3], [r'$I_{K^+}$', r'$I_{Na^+}$', r'$I_{L}$'])
plt.ylim(-200, 500)
plt.xlabel("Voltage in mV")
plt.ylabel('Current in mA')
plt.suptitle("$I-V$ curves in Hudgkin and Huxley Model")
cam3.animate(blit=False, interval=50, repeat=True).save('currents.mp4')
def simulate(self, V_init, n_init, m_init, h_init, Tmax, inj=0):
"""This method simulates the H&H model starting from initial conditions
given as parameters for a given period of time Tmax, it uses scipy.integrate.solve_ivp()
function to solve the system of four differential equations.
def hudgkin_huxley(t, vars):
"""The four nonlinear differential equations should be wrapped inside a function."""
V, n, m, h = vars
return [
-self.Gna * m**3 * h * (V - self.Ena) - self.Gk * n**4 *
(V - self.Ek) - self.Gl * (V - self.El) + inj,
( * (1 - n)) - ( * n),
( * (1 - m)) - ( * m),
(self.ah(V) * (1 - h)) - ( * h)
solution = solve_ivp(
[0, Tmax], # Solve the system
(V_init, n_init, m_init, h_init), # Initial conditions as a tuple
t_eval=np.linspace(0, Tmax, 250))
tt, vt, nt, mt, ht = solution.t, solution.y[0], solution.y[
1], solution.y[2], solution.y[3] # Seperate the solutions
# Now let's calculate currents and conductances based on the solutions
GNA, INA = self.Gna * mt**3 * ht, self.Gna * mt**3 * ht * (vt -
GK, IK = self.Gk * nt**4, self.Gk * nt**4 * (vt - self.Ek)
IL = self.Gl * (vt - self.El)
# Now let's start the plotting and the animation process
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5), dpi=150)
cam4 = Camera(fig)
for s in range(len(vt)):
l1, = axes[0].plot(tt[:s], vt[:s], 'g', linestyle='solid')
axes[0].legend([l1], [r'$V(t)$']) # V(t) in function of time
i1, i2, i3 = axes[1].plot(
linestyle='solid') # Currents in fucntion of time
axes[1].legend([i1, i2, i3],
[r'$I_{Na^+}$', r'$I_{K^+}$', r'$I_{L}$'])
axes[1].set_title("""Hudgkin & Huxley Model Simulation,
Initial conditions : $V$ = %s, $n$ = %s, $m$ = %s, $h$ = %s, $T_{max}$ = %s, $I_{injected}$ = %s"""
% (V_init, n_init, m_init, h_init, Tmax, inj))
g1, g2 = axes[2].plot(
tt[:s], GNA[:s], 'y', tt[:s], GK[:s], 'r',
linestyle='solid') # Conductances in function of time
axes[2].legend([g1, g2], [r'$g_{Na^+}$', r'$g_{K^+}$'])
cam4.animate(blit=False, interval=30,
Now that we've written our Python Class, we can start using it. Let's take some values for our ions.
# Conductance in^-2 and equilibrium potential in mV,
Na = {'G' : 120., 'Eq' : 120.}
K = {'G' : 36., 'Eq' : -12.}
Leak = {'G' : 0.3,'Eq' :10.6}
Let's also take values for our voltage between -150 and +150 mV
v = np.linspace(-150, 150, 100)
And now we can create a class instance (object) of our Neuron Class :
cell = Neuron(voltage=v, sodium=Na, potassium=K, leak=Leak)
Time constants $\tau$ and stationary constants $f_\infty$
Let's take a look at our model's time constants for each channel.
and here's the stationary constants for our ion channels.
The currents of the model
Now let's see our 3 major currents for a range of voltages.
Model simulation
And finally, we can simulate our model starting from chosen initial conditions like the voltage or the even the injected current. Let's inject a current of amplitude 15 and start from a voltage of -10 and see what happens over the course of 60 ms. ($n$ and $m$ are 0 and $h$ is 1 and $T_{max} = 50$)
cell.simulate(V_init=-10, n_init=0, m_init=0, h_init=1, Tmax=50, inj = 15)